About Us

The Southeastern New Mexico Economic Development District was formed in 1971, in order to increase local government understanding of federal programs and to provide planning and development management services on a regional basis.  The SNMEDD/COG, along with the federal Economic Development Administration and the State of New Mexico, entered into agreements with the municipal and county governments of Chaves, Eddy, Lea, Lincoln and Otero counties.  We are an instrument of local government jurisdictions.  It is the largest planning district in New Mexico covering over 26,000 square miles.

The Board of Directors consists of elected and appointed representatives from each of the 26 governmental jurisdiction within our boundaries.  All 26 member governments are active participants in the District’s planning programs.  Sources of funding for the SNMEDD/COG are the US Economic Development Administration, State of New Mexico, CDBG and our local government members.


Our mission is to provide leadership to enhance the quality of life, jobs and services.

One of the most important functions of the SNMEDD/COG involves the optimal utilization of regional capabilities.  Projects included are water and wastewater system improvements, business retention, business assistance, business development, solid waste, public buildings, industrial parks improvements, job development and assistance and transportation-related initiatives.

We assist local governments in: (1) planning for major capital improvements; (2) procuring federal and state aid or needed capital improvement projects; and (3) assisting with capacity building and technical assistance.




year of foundation
