Transportation Project Fund (TPF)
NMDOT FY26 Transportation Project Fund (TPF) Call for Projects
Transportation Project Fund (TPF) FY 26 SERTPO-Approved Timeline
TPF is a state funded program with annual application cycles. Local and tribal governments are eligible to apply. NMDOT issues the Call-for-Projects, which provides eligible project requirements, project prioritization criteria and application package requirements. SERTPO establishes the RTPO deadlines. Application packages from the southeast region are submitted to SERTPO, who rates the project applications and submits its recommendations to NMDOT District 2. District 2 sends its recommendations to Santa Fe, and the State Transportation Commission approves the final recommendations and makes its awards.
An advantageous feature of the program to applicants is the low local match of five percent. For additional information, please contact Mary Ann Burr (SNMEDD) at (575) 624-6131.
Local Government Road Fund
State-funded, local-lead transportation projects are handled out the NMDOT District 2 Roswell office through its Local Government Road Fund (LGRF). The LGRF includes the Municipal Arterial Program (MAP), the County Arterial Program (CAP), the School Bus Route (SBR) and the Municipal, County and School District Cooperative (CO-OP) Programs. Local governments make application to NMDOT District 2 Office.
For additional information, please contact Libby Coslin (NMDOT District 2) at (575) 840-3373.
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
HSIP is a federally funded, data-driven program that focuses on reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads, NMDOT and non-NMDOT routes. Local governments in the southeast region may apply for funding; NMDOT will confirm the need and the safety-specific, data-driven study or plan. HSIP is 90% federal and 10% non-federal with NMDOT usually paying the 10% match for a HSIP funded project. Please also refer to the New Mexico 2021 Strategic Highway Safety Plan or NMDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program.
One of the primary tools for identifying a safety project is a Road Safety Audit (RSA). Local governments may submit for a RSA application through HSIP funding. Another tool available for identifying safety projects and before submitting RSA application is the NMDOT HSIP Non-Interstate Network Screening web map. Be sure to refer to the legend in the upper right-hand corner of the page and zoom in to the area of interest. The application process, whether for a project or RSA, will include NMDOT District 2 concurrence.
To discuss project or RSA eligibility and program funding availability, please contact:
NMDOT HSIP (Santa Fe) – Jason Coffey, Technical Unit Supervisor
Statewide Transportation Improvements Program (STIP)
eSTIP is now available to the public, providing access to the STIP and the ability to search projects by Control Number, County, Lead Agency, Project Type and Funding Type. The STIP is a NMDOT planning tool that lists State and local-lead transportation projects programmed for the upcoming fiscal years. Further STIP information may be found at NMDOT Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Local Governments must submit a TPF Project Feasibility Form(s) (PFFs) by the established RTPO-established deadline, which will be set in 2025.