Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
TAP is a federal reimbursement program that funds pedestrian and bicycle facilities or related multimodal infrastructure projects or programs. Projects may include planning, design/construction or maintenance. TAP is administered through the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), who contracts with SNMEDD for carrying out TAP functions through SERTPO. The SERTPO Program Manager accepts applications from eligible entities, as specified in the NMDOT TAP-RTP Guide. Funding cycles occur approximately every two years.
Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
NMDOT Recreational Trails (RTP) Program Guide (FFY 2025-2026)
RTP is a federal reimbursement program that funds recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both non-motorized and motorized trail purposes. Projects may include planning, design/construction or maintenance. RTP is administered through the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), who contracts with SNMEDD for carrying out RTP functions through SERTPO. The SERTPO Program Manager accepts applications from eligible entities, as specified in the NMDOT TAP-RTP Guide. Funding cycles occur approximately every two years.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program is federally funded and administered by the NMDOT Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau. CMAQ funding supports surface transportation projects or related projects that contribute to air quality improvements and congestion relief. Funding cycles are approximately every two years and application requirements are provided in a CMAQ Non-Mandatory Program Guide.
Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)
The Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) is a reimbursement, federally-funded program intended to reduce transportation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from on-road highway sources. The program is administered by the NMDOT Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau. Funding cycles are approximately every two years, and application requirements are provided in the Carbon Reduction Program Guide, released at the beginning of each application cycle.
TAP/RTP/CMAQ/CRP Application Process
When the application cycle is open, applicants complete their preliminary application, the Project Feasibility Form (PFF). The PFFs are submitted to the SERTPO Program Manager, according to the PFF deadline established and approved by the SERTPO Committee. Once the SERTPO Program Manager receives the PFFs, feasibility reviews are scheduled with the applicants. Applicants, NMDOT and the SERTPO Program Manager participate in feasibility reviews. Applicants with an NMDOT-approved PFF will proceed to complete their final application. Complete application packages are due to the SERTPO Program Manager by the SERTPO-approved deadline. SERTPO submits its applications from the region to NMDOT, who conducts the funding review and selection.
Eligible applicants may apply according to the established deadlines set by NMDOT and SERTPO. Currently, there is a RTP Call-for-Projects for FFY25-26. See SERTPO Application Timeline above and refer to the NMDOT Recreational Trails (RTP) Program Guide.
Application Forms
Project Feasibility Form (PFF)
Forms and additional information can be accessed at NMDOT Recreational Trails Program.